Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Shengjin, Albania

It began to rain as I walked down the street this afternoon. The mountains press closely against the ocean. The ocean is warm, like the air. Along the street are shitets with generous displays of Fanta orange.

I'll map it out:
The day begins early. And not to a shower nor to a cup of coffee (though I manage to sneak in cappuccinos before class). After our morning devotionals is breakfast, which is usually bread, eggs, and weird stuff (repeat above parentheses). Then class begins! I am teaching level three students, so for instance when they talk about their families they say "we are 12", or they say "he is going to learn me to swim". There are seven students in the class. It is stifling in the classrooms, but the time goes quickly and they are gracious and willing students.
And then the afternoons are spent playing games in the ocean or lounging on the beach. After dinner is a group discussion time when we discuss the reading from the Bible done in class.
Then, at night, is DANCING!!
And then we fall into our beds with the humidity of the night pressing upon us and the next day's lesson plans running though our heads.