Thursday, July 3, 2008


This has become my newest fascination.
Stackable notebooks! $14!

However, here are my reservations:

1) My life thus far has been contained in three moleskines, or what I like to call, Volumes I, II, and III. And this is just from the past three or four years. To think what future years might bring! My life, should I prove to be just as/more prolific, could be organized on my bookshelves as some people would organize…say….the Encyclopedia Britannica. However, should the stackable notebook take the place of my moleskine’s, my life very well may end up in a much less epic state. Instead of volumes it will be one long and decidedly un-epic tome. Like Bleak House.

2) I have been trying to decide for the past week what to do with the 20 dollars in tips I have accumulated and now have in my possession, just sitting in my checking account, clearly needing to be spent. However, the amount proves to be a little puzzling. With 20 dollars I could buy used books, three of them, in fact. They sit in my shopping cart. All I have to do is click “proceed to checkout”. But……..with 20 dollars I could also buy four coffees at Starbucks PLUS a Starbucks compilation CD. And there are a few right now that look pretty tempting. OR I could SAVE the twenty dollars until it magically becomes 80 dollars and THEN I could online shop. And not just for books—for clothes. Or I could REAL shop. For lots of things.

And then, of course, the notebooks are an option. I do, however, already have a sizable collection of notebooks—most of them bought impulsively and because I thought they were pretty. Also, I’m only about 30 pages into my current moleskine (Volume III).

And so, I come to you for advice. If you tell me to save my money I probably won't listen. Also, I welcome any other purchasing suggestions....


WickedWitty said...

Do I ever have a suggestion-

(I hope you know me well enough to know when I'm kidding. )

Jordan Smith said...

listen matt...this is a travel for fun site...not give caitlin shopping advice should by the books though

Caitlin said...

No you listen, mr. crabbypants.
I am not matt for several reasons
1) Never have I mentioned Spain, Spanish, or Latinos
2) Never have I discussed poetry, or the meaning of life
3) I have, on MULTIPLE occasions, written about traveling.
But, as it is, alas, I am not traveling at the moment but when I have crises such as this I expect my good friends to guide me through it.
And, yeah, I am definitely leaning toward the books.

Son-Ju said...

"Used books" is not descriptive enough. I need titles before I grant my approval. However, it is clearly the best option at this point...unless you want to save it up to $700 and fly to Alaska with Emily tomorrow!