Sunday, March 30, 2008

It never rains in California

I knew at the start of the week that this would happen. I knew that time would fold upon itself and land me here.

I awoke this morning and you were gone from my couches and my bed and my house.
I awoke confused and sad.
Also, it rained when you left. But the sky was long overdue for a weeping.

Edna St. Vincent Millay contributes:

the railroad track is miles away,
and the day is loud with voices speaking,
yet there isn't a train goes by all day
but i hear its whistle shrieking.

all night there isn't a train goes by,
though the night is still for sleep and dreaming,
but i see its cinders red on the sky,
and hear its engine steaming.

my heart is warm with the friends i make,
and better friends i'll not be knowing;
yet there isn't a train i wouldn't take,
no matter where it's going.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

When Lindsay tried to kill Peaches...

So, Caitlin has this swing. An ordinary porch swing, hanging in her backyard. So there Lindsay and Jenny sat with Peaches on Lindsay's lap, soaking up the warm, California sun.

"Take off you sweatershirt, Lindsay, it's hot out here, " someone said. That was it.

Lindsay leaned forward and the swing cracked and fell to the ground, sending Jenny and Lindsay crashing onto the cement and Peaches flying toward the house, only to run headfirst into the screen door and bounce backwards.

So, as you can all see, within the first 30 minutes of being in California, Lindsay tried to kill Peaches. Now it may not have been quite as dramatic or exciting as how I just explained it, but you can be sure that Peaches remembered that instance every time Lindsay approached her for the rest of the week.

Jenny says,

"The sights and sounds of California are so indelibly marked in my mind."

(read in the voice of Julie Andrews)

things we have learned in california:

1. caitlin is a horrible driver
2. anything edible within a 5 mile radius of us must be killed immediately
3. lindsay likes cats
4. jenny is the youngest child
5. jenny is the mom
6. jenny adds flavour to any dish
7. not one of us is capable of reading a map except for ben tilson and even he has issues at times
8. avocados make everything better
9. a ford taurus is not built for 6 people
10. jazz clubs are the bomb
11. the grim exists
12. caitlin is a horrible driver
13. caitlin and jenny will never actually go running
14. sometimes emily and heather act like 2-year-olds
15. lindsay makes weird noises
16. jenny is incapable of blowing up an air mattress
17. jenny wore shorts the entire time, despite our fervent warnings
18. cranberry concentrate + glorious grains will rip your insides out
19. all street signs must be pronounced with a spanish accent
20. caitlin's mom is a great cook
21. you would be a bad driver too if you lived here
22. heather always responds to crunk men on the beach
23. we are expert fire builders
24. we can make stockbrot(cker)
25. and yes, nate, despite popular belief, we look good at the beach

We have all done a lot of fun things this week,

However, as an introduction to the posts which will most likely come about it all, I wanted to say this- The week for me has been about ignoring. Let me tell you how.

Each day of the past week has been better and better. Today, for example, we went to Balboa and laid about on the beach all day until we decided to take a walk around Balboa island. Together we were soaking up the sun. The weather was perfect and there were sailboats which were just creeping by along the horizon.

I am choosing to ignore the passage of time.

I am choosing to ignore it just as I am choosing to ignore the pink tinge on my arms. I know I have to go back to school tomorrow but I am ignoring it. Because this moment is too beautiful to waste. Someday when I am in a snowy state far from here and feeling a little blue, I will remember this week when I chose to ignore it all. I will recall how I was once twenty and laying on a beach staring at the tips of palm trees and sharing sun screen with four of my favorite people in the world.

Also, Jenny got crapped on today.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


A postcard received Tuesday morning in sunny California:

Greetings from Buffalo!
Lindsay and I have just arrived at the airport in the exciting "city" of Buffalo. There is so much to be seen in this sprawling metropolis that we will have to wait until we are together again to explain it all. We just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you and have been every minute since we left you 3 hours ago.

Emily and Lindsay

(A picture of said postcard shall soon be made available)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

And so it begins...

Well, my traveling for fun is officially underway! I'm at Jenny's house right now and let me tell you, it has been a fun traveling experience so far. Ok, that might be a bit of a stretch. The drive from home was quite boring (although I did it in four and a half hours instead of five... see, I don't always drive like a grandma) and Jenny and I got back to her house from Houghton (where I left ze van) around 9:30. I thought it was high time for another fun and exciting cultural experience in Rochester, but then I remembered that we have to leave at 3 AM for a 6:20 flight from Buffalo, so the cultural experience will have to wait. Speaking of how I have to get up in four hours for part deux of Easter break traveling for fun, I should probably get to bed. Happy trails and good night.

Friday, March 21, 2008

I thought I hated snow the most,

Turns out I don't. I hate wind.

Friends, Lobsters, Eggs, Family, Trees, Snow and More

The things above are about (as in are) to hit me in the face. Today is the first day of this trip and as it has started off on a good foot I feel it is now best to paraphrase what I was told today.

"If you expect the trip to suck, then you might be pleasantly surprised."

Right now I am at Jordan's house. Tomorrow it is the road east to New England to see my family and the snow that is still holding them down begging for mercy. After that... who knows! Sunday we will do Easter and "Someday" after that we will hike off into the great woods of southern New York, but till then the sail are going with wind and I'm just gonna sit back and see what happens.

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

I'm finally getting out of this Tundra.