Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sitting there on that train to Koblenz, The Idiot on my lap, I could feel myself becoming lachrymose. And I tried to stop it, I really did, but I was never very good at self-control, and I began to push at the air in hurried little breaths, and water seeped from my eyes straight onto the page that reads: Don’t let us forget that the causes of human actions are usually immeasurably more complex and varied than our subsequent explanations of them. And I tried as best I could to suppress it the minute I suspected stares. Had I been instead on a train in Spain, in Italy, in Greece, the other passengers might have patted my back or embraced me or whispered words of comfort that would be indistinguishable from words of normal conversation but for the tone of voice and look of eyes (that look that makes you feel like a puppy). But I was in fact in Germany, and instead of sympathy all I sensed from the other passengers was embarrassment.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Goal #1 for the upcoming Staten Island Adventure:

Find the Cash Cab and win lots of money.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I cannot explain why,

and I suppose this isn't so much about travelling, as being the destination of travelling but all of that aside

I am fascinated by the temporary chaos which ensues when people from school join me at home.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Heather: Ima get to write on the Travel for Fun blog when I go to California this summer, woo!

Caitlin: Oh yeah, well, Ima get to write on it in Morocco and Albania.

Emily: Ima write on it when I go on my cruise.

Kelsey: Yeah, well Ima get to write on it when (cursory look of annoyance) oh wait, you guys suck.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Our Adventure to the Great Island of Staten

No context is necessary for the following quotes to be appreciated.

"Has he seen my rack? It's fantastic!"

"This is where my Jewish friends live." "Where do your Russian friends live?" "I hate them all. They are not my friends."

Okay, so a little context is needed for this one, it just enhances the the story. Hannah, Lindsay's sister, was talking about her past purchase of 3 matching 555SOUL shirts when she said, "I was happenin'. I was IT!"

"Lindsay Savage" ...said by a different person hours later, "Lindsay Savage"

"She's really nice...she's just horridly horridly ugly. Like, she's the ugliest person I know."

Sung by Lindsay's mom: "Sfeelings, nothing more then ssssfeeellinggs"

Mommy, do you wanna rot my teeth out of my face?"

"Ew. I just burped some bile."

"What?? Every fantasy involved Justin Timberlake!" "Nooo, no, half of yours are of Edward Cullen and the other quarter of..." "OKAY! Non-fiction!!"

About the two men sitting in the car parked behind us, "They're probably talking about who is the hottest." "Yeah, they're saying, 'That girl in the glasses, she's ugly. You can't even see her eyes."

"OKAY! Sometimes I like you."

Greatest moment: Lindsay's dad reading our first quote.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Right. This Blog.

Okay, I'm going to post something/this, even though I'm not going really traveling until 1 month, one week, and 1 day from today.

You know, just to show that I participate. Maintain a presence and all that. Not that I will have an easy time with that in China, since most blog hosts are usually blocked by the Great FireWall of China. I'll manage to get past it though. I have my ways.