Friday, January 30, 2009

The First

We arrived in Amsterdam with energy, the adrenaline of a late night and of what was before us. Conversely, we stepped out of the plane in Dar and into the thick swelter of the night. My contacts were packed safely in my bag and so i saw it all through the blur of exhaustion and my poor eyesight.
We slept under a veil of mosquito nets. We spent the following day wading into a steaming Indian Ocean.
The next morning we arrived at the Lazy Lagoon Island Resort. We tanned, we swam in the cooler waters, we snorkeled in the reef and woke to the cries of the bush babies.
We drove throgh Mikumi game park and saw animals unrestrained by cages. We, instead, were caged.
And yesterday we arrived on campus. They washed our clothes, which the rain then rinsed clean.

Also, Emily is wearing a skirt.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Canada Likes Me So Much They Tried To Keep Me

I guess this post could also be titled "America Hates Me So Much They Tried To Give Me Away" and if it was it would be more accurate, but I am trying to me a positive person so lets ignore that side comment and talk about my little trip to Canada that almost never ended.

Today The Pops and I decided to go up and see the falls. He hadn't been to Niagara since before him and mom were married and even then he didn't cross the border and see them from the good side so I said "What the heck, lets make a day of it." So after eating a good breakfast and playing ping-pong we left Houghton destined for The Canada. Here is what I learned from this experience.

  1. If you get an hour out and realize you don't have your passport, its okay.

  2. Canada loves old people so much that they just let you into their country without asking for ID.

  3. The falls look cool in the winter, but the ice that is covering the viewing area looks cooler.

  4. Cheep batteries might last as long Duracell at 70F but at 25F they lie down on their death bed and moan and complain and go into cardiac arrest ever two to three pictures. Though, once you get them back into the warm car they become more lively than Jenny is loud.

  5. US Border guards bark loader than they bite. Lets say two guys only have their driver's licenses with them (which is not enough for crossing the border from Canada according to US Border Law) they will still let you in without even pulling you aside and looking though your car.
  6. The Anchor Bar is considered (by one magazine at least) to be the best place to bring out-of-towners. The have good wings, and maybe every out-of-towner should go there, but the fact that a bar is the best thing a "major" city can offer sort of makes you wonder.
  7. Oh... And Buffalo should stop trying to be NYC.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Lessons from California

After months of boycotting this blog I am finally writing on here because for the first time since May of 2007 I am traveling for fun. So here it goes...

1. Caitlin is not a bad driver (I would like to see any of you who make fun of her drive in LA)

2. Eating a frozen banana on Balboa Island is everything I thought it would be

3. Fast food really is better in California (In and Out)

4. Peaches is in fact the greatest cat ever...even though she is enormous

5. Sleeping on a street corner in LA is what Dan likes to call "Urban camping"

6. A statue of a raptor is a legitimate lawn decoration if you have millions of dollars

7. Point Loma University is what Houghton College dreams of being

8. Mexican food gets much better the closer you get to Mexico

9. If you have enough money, you can live wherever you want and do whatever you want

10. Finally, no matter what Tilson or Caitlin tell you...Del Taco is nothing more than Taco Bell with a different name