Monday, December 8, 2008

What I learned through my travels and lack thereof this semester,

I never feel like I've spent too much money when it involves books or plane tickets.

Even the biggest airlines lose luggage.

It is possible to feel more at home sleeping on the cold floor in a foreign country than in my own bed, if I'm surrounded by the right people.

Crappy internet and international calling rates are just minor inconveniences in communication.

Apparently I am the reason I skip class and don't do my work.

I did, despite what I may have thought going in, survive this semester. On to Africa.

Monday, December 1, 2008

No plans,

I haven't thought out this post. I have no grand statements to make. Just observations and documentations.

It rained the day we left California. Caitlin said that the skies were long overdue for a weeping. The sky here in London is always weeping, but I would like to imagine it felt a bit more sorrow yesterday. We walked through Hyde Park to have you're last meal in Kensington Palace and our ankles were all chilled from the puddles we stomped through.

We said goodbye in a tube station and I rode back by myself and listened to music and stared at my reflection in the window. I wondered how much of my story is visible to people who see me. It seems strange that people can look at me and not also see my friends.

I am far away this semester. There are events taking place without me in Houghton, NY. But this new form of friendship that I have been exposed to seems to stretch across farther distances than I thought possible. When we are younger, bonds are broken over summers apart. Now, the Atlantic doesn't seem to stand in our way.

I miss people, but it is a feeling I have become used to. Its insignificant now, in face of how thankful I am.
Why yes, there are more people than just Lindsay in London.

I didn't realize how thorough an updater Lindsay has been, but I suppose when I found this out, I figured that meant I didn't have to write. Others don't agree with this logic and are forcing me to write.

The excitement and adventure paired with traveling often blinds us from the obstacles. I feel as if I'm having the greatest semester of my college career, and yet when I look back at things that have happened, I've been through a lot of shit. My camera broke within the first two weeks, my identity was stolen because I'm an anxious poor fool, a fever drove me to delirium, and other more painful, personal experiences have followed; however, I could not be happier about any of these things happening. In fact, my semester would not be as incredible as it is if one of these stretching times did not occur.

I have 15 days left in London, and I haven't figured out how I'm going to say good-bye. How will Houghton's route 19 ever satiate my need to take bus 19 down to Tottenham Court? Will Big Als ever make me as happy as our regular Hope and Anchor? Damnit, Houghton, why can't you be a lot a bit more like London? Actually, the one thing Houghton has on London (besides the people) is milkshakes. I can't wait to have a good ol' American milkshake! Speaking of good ol' American...

Star Spotting: Kid Rock in South Ken with nasty white trashy hos. He wore a Detroit leather jacket. God bless America.