Thursday, June 26, 2008

Because we wanted to take pictures...

Here are some from San Francisco, Sequoia National Park, LA, and San Diego. There were 600 pictures, so I tried to choose carefully.

Because someone made me take pictures...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"Is a fool on the throne relieved of all responsibility merely because he is a fool?"

"Oedipus did not know he was sleeping with his own mother, yet when he realized what had happened, he did not feel innocent. Unable to stand the sight of the misfortunes he had wrought by 'not knowing', he put out his eyes and wandered blind away from Thebes.
When Tomas heard Communists shouting in defense of their inner purity, he said to himself, As a result of your 'not knowing', this country has lost its freedom, lost it for centuries, perhaps, and you shout that you feel no guilt? How can you stand the sight of what you've done? How is it you aren't horrified? Have you no eyes to see? If you had eyes, you would have to put them out and wander away from Thebes!"
--Milan Kundera

Monday, June 23, 2008

I can't think of a concise heading,

"The highest treason in the USA is to say Americans are not loved, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing."
-Kurt Vonnegut

So uh,

Has anyone heard from the Zaner's?

Friday, June 20, 2008

I Make FNFC proud

MURDER has reached new ground: Alaska. I give thanks to Emily for suggesting the idea.

No lie, someone was just murdered before my eyes.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Shrimp is the Fruit of the Sea

I ripped the heads off dozens of living shrimp this morning. Most of you would be surprised with how long it took for me to get the gumption to kill a living thing larger than a dust bunny with my bare hands. Truthfully, it was disgusting. Even more honestly, I can't wait to eat them jumbo babies for dinner tonight.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

On tourism,

So today before touring Rome, the cruise activities director told us all to "be travelers, not tourists," and then proceeded to give us all big, obnoxious stickers identifying us as members of Norwegian Cruise Line Group 16 and large radios with ear pieces to hang around our necks. I don't think it's necessary to say I was a little confused.

My conclusion: Cruising isn't exactly traveling for fun.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ultimate Creekwalking Adventure!!

My sweet shoes...

Hiking the Utah Narrows...or schooling my parents in the art of creekwalking...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

God, How I Love Dominicans

Of all the cultural traits of Latin America it is their hospitality that I love the most.

I spent that last half of my day hanging out with a bunch of Dominicans, joking, laughing and frankly just having a good time. When we left (after bowling, going to the boardwalk and speaking lots of Spanglish) Kelsey, one of my sisters, turned to me and said: “All those people are nicer than any of the missionary interns I met with earlier today.” Why is this? How can someone so easily say that a bunch of random (unsaved) Dominicans are nicer in everyway than a bunch of people doing God work?


Friday, June 6, 2008

I must add another...

Long After Midnight at the Niño Bien

You all should go to Amazon and buy this book and read it. Brain Winter (the author) lived in Argentina from 2000 to 2004 during one of the most instable times in the countries history. So he talks about that and gives a rather interesting look into the history of the Tango and how if one can understand the odd mix of joy and sorrow found in the Tango one can truly understand the Argentine soul.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


God is Good

I just want to say how relieved I am that my network in Alaska doesn't block Travel for Fun like it does facebook. That's all.